
Michelle Smith, (Central Nebraska Today)

HASTINGS — Michelle Smith is currently running for the Nebraska Legislature’s District 33 seat.

Smith said she is running for the seat because District 33 deserves a, “common sense, local voice,” working to strengthen their communities.

Smith said she was born and raised in Hastings.

“I grew up attending local schools and colleges obtaining four college degrees, including two master’s degrees. This led me to serve as an adjunct professor at Doane University teaching future master’s level therapists,” according to Smith’s campaign website.

Smith said she has been a small business owner in Hastings for nearly a decade, opening Sunrise Inspirations, PC in 2014. The business provides quality mental health therapy to children, adults, and families in Hastings and surrounding communities.

When asked about her qualifications, Smith referenced her experience as a mental health therapist, adjunct professor, time on the mental health board and involvement with the team at the enCourage Advocacy Center has taught her how to build trust with others, communicate effectively and encourage growth in others.

When asked why she is pursuing the District 33 seat, Smith noted the fact that over the course of four years, she went from not having a waiting list for her mental health services, to now some people having to wait 16 months for an appointment.

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, Smith said the demand for mental health professionals has significantly increased. She said the people of District 33 deserve better.

“My lifetime of local experiences gives me gives me direct experience with the real issues facing our communities,” Smith said, “I am running for Legislature to be your voice on these issues that matter to all of us.”

District 33 is currently represented by Senator Steve Halloran, who is term limited, having been elected in 2016 and reelected in 2020.

Smith said she believes in the commonsense values that have shaped Nebraska.

“Our Legislature has to work together to make our communities places where people can grow up healthy, get an education, build a career, raise a family and invest in the future,” said Smith, adding that she will bring a commonsense approach to help communities.

When asked about her other key priorities, Smith said she wants to see access to quality healthcare, facilitate economic development, meet community housing needs, develop a commonsense tax policy and support agriculture.

Smith said the heart of economic development is education and she wants to see it supported by having strong schools, colleges and universities for Nebraska students to attend.

On the housing issue, Smith said state leaders need to follow survey recommendations from residents, rehabilitate existing structures, attracting investors to build more housing and passing responsible tax reform so that people are not taxed out of their homes or off of their farms.

When asked how she would include experts and community leaders in her decision-making process, Smith said she would want to first build and then maintain relationships with those individuals but noted since she has lived in the district her entire life, she has many of these relationships already.

When asked what role government plays in people lives, Smith said, “To do things together that we can’t do alone by ourselves.”

Speaking to what she envisions for the future if elected, Smith said she wants to see a state where people work together on the issues and that means finding common ground and commonsense solutions to the issues that are being faced.

Smith wants to, “utilize empathetic listening and values of compassion, respect, dependability, and inclusivity to undertake issues in such a manner that provides a voice for all constituents living in District 33,” per her campaign website.

In conclusion, Smith said, “I would be honored to be your local voice to bring commonsense solutions that strengthen our communities.”

Editor’s Note: Michelle Smith appeared on 1340 KGFW and this article was written using information provided during that interview.