Brian Neben, Central Nebraska Today
KEARNEY CO. — A proposed Flood Insurance Rate Map (or FIRM) update for Kearney County has been released for public review.
Before the new map is finalized, property owners and lessees will have the opportunity to review the updated flood risk data shown on the map and provide additional technical or scientific data during the official 90-day appeal process.
The community is participating in the FIRM change as part of the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s effort to update maps nationwide to reflect communities’ current flood risk so that actions can be taken to mitigate and become more resilient against future flood risk. The Nebraska Department of Natural Resources has been working closely with community officials across Kearney County to implement this update.
These updates may have risk reduction and flood insurance implications for property owners, so it is critical that they are aware of the 90-day review period to identify any concerns with the proposed map that should be raised during the appeal process. Because submitting an appeal requires some time and effort, we encourage property owners and lessees to review the maps available now to determine if they are interested in pursuing this option.
The attached 30-second PSA script notifies the public that updated flood maps are now available for review, emphasizes the importance of the 90-day appeal period, and provides information regarding where property owners and lessees can learn more about the proposed FIRM change and how to file an appeal. Please record this important PSA and enter it into your regular station rotation so that property owners are fully aware of the map change and the actions they can take, if needed, to appeal.