
CPNRD, Courtesy

GRAND ISLAND — The Central Platte Natural Resources District (CPNRD) will appoint a new director to represent Subdistrict 9 following the resignation of Ed Kyes, who served on the Board for 25 years.

The Board’s Nominating Committee will accept letters of interest from qualified candidates until March 17, 2025. The Committee will review submissions and present its recommendation to the Board of Directors at their March Board meeting, where the appointment will be made.

The Nominating Committee members are Deb VanMatre, Keith Ostermeier, Barry Obermiller, and Doug Reeves. The Central Platte NRD Board of Directors has 21 members, each serving a four-year term. The Board includes one at-large director and representatives from 10 subdistricts, each with two directors.

The Board of Directors March Board of Directors meeting is scheduled for 2 p.m. on Thursday, March 27, 2025, at the CPNRD office, 215 Kaufman Avenue, Grand Island, Nebraska.

Other Agenda/Action Items

Programs Committee

The Programs Committee will discuss the following:

a) Prescribed Fire Program Consider changes to the program to encourage more land to be treated. A
recommendation will be presented to the Board.

b) Budgets Review the CPNRD Cost Share and Information/Education Fiscal 2025/2026 budgets.

Variance/Appeals Committee

The Variance/Appeals Committee will review and make a recommendation to the Board on a request from a landowner in Buffalo County.

Water Utilization Committee

The Water Utilization Committee will discuss water availability for a proposed project located in the overappropriated area of the district.

Building Committee

The Building Committee will review the progress of the NRD’s new office and education center construction.

Violation Report

Luke Zakrzewski, GIS Image Analyst, will request cease and desist orders to be issued on irrigated land that wasn’t certified or approved for irrigation through a transfer in 2024.

Manager’s Report

Lyndon Vogt, General Manager, will report.

Staff Reports

Kelly Cole, Administrative Assistant; Nelson Winkel, Prescribed Fire Planning Specialist; and Shane Max, Resources Conservationist, will present an overview of their roles and responsibilities to the Board.

Natural Resources Conservation Service Report

Joe Krolikowski, District Conservationist, and Jason Scholz, Grand Island, will report.

Nebraska Association of Resources District

Deb VanMatre, CPNRD Representative, will report.

Nebraska Natural Resources Commission

Doug Reeves, Middle Platte Basin Representative, will report.

Financial Reports

The February and March financial reports will be considered.


Applications for the Nebraska Soil and Water Conservation Program and Central Platte NRD cost-share programs will be considered.

Upcoming Board Meetings -April 24, May 22, June 26, July 24