Hastings Police say the male resident who lived at the house that caught fire is deceased, (Hastings Fire & Rescue, Courtesy)
HASTINGS — The Hastings Police Department is investigating a house fire and the circumstances of the resident’s death that occurred during the morning of Sunday, March 16.
Captain Jason Haase said that the male resident who lived at the house that caught fire is deceased and an autopsy is scheduled for today.
The structure fire occurred at 910 Briggs Ave.
Hastings Fire & Rescue was dispatched at 6:03 a.m. and had the fire under control in 20 minutes. The structure sustained significant damage from the blaze.
A male occupant was removed from the structure. Lifesaving efforts were performed on scene and the victim was transported to Mary Lanning Healthcare.
There were no other occupants, and the cause of the fire is under investigation.
Hastings Rural Volunteer Fire Department provided mutual aid.
Hastings Utilities disconnected services. The Hastings Police Department and the Hastings Street Department also responded to the incident.