
Othman Mohamad, (Hall County Department of Corrections, Courtesy)

GRAND ISLAND — A man was arrested in Grand Island after he struck a victim and a dog with a piece of wood trim during the afternoon of Friday, March 14.

According to the Grand Island Police Department, officers would arrest Othman Mohamad after he allegedly physically assaulted another man with a long piece of wood trim and then chasing him and trying to assault him with an aluminum bat.

It was also reported that Mohamad would strike his roommate’s dog in the head with the piece of wood trim which caused the dog pain and a visible contusion.

Mohamad would be arrested for animal mistreatment, second degree assault, use of a weapon to commit a felony, terroristic threats and criminal mischief.

The GIPD noted the criminal mischief charge is from an earlier report of Mohamad causing less than $500 damage to the front door of a residence. However he could not be located and was not cited at the time.