
Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services, Courtesy

LINCOLN — The Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) invites all Nebraskans to celebrate Developmental Disabilities (DD) Awareness Month.

During March, DHHS highlights the importance of giving all individuals meaningful opportunities to contribute and participate in education, employment, recreation, and civic engagement in their communities. Every member of a community is valuable and deserves to be empowered to lead an independent life as defined by the individual.

DHHS also celebrates achievements made towards improving access to resources for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) and their families. As announced in March 2024, DHHS is working to eliminate the DD Waitlist and transition to offering and delivering services at the time of need. When the plan was announced the number of Nebraskans on the waitlist was 2,706. As of February 2025, about 940 Nebraskans on the DD Waitlist are awaiting an offer for specialized services and a total of 2,181 waiver offers have been made to Nebraskans.

“I encourage all Nebraskans to celebrate, learn, and get involved in building a welcoming community for individuals with IDD,” said Tony Green, Director of DDD. “Together we can support and encourage all Nebraskans to achieve their goals and be active members of their communities year-round.”

Celebrate Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month:

Wear Orange. Orange, the official color of Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month, symbolizes energy and positivity. Encourage your friends, families, neighbors, classmates, and coworkers to wear orange to show your support and spread awareness.

Share images, videos, and stories on social media. Social media is a great way to connect with your community and raise awareness about IDD. Highlight stories, share artwork created by individuals with IDD, follow employers who provide opportunities for individuals with IDD, promote community resources, and use #DDAwareness or #WeReHereAllYear to amplify the voices of individuals with IDD and build awareness.

Seek volunteer opportunities at local organizations in your community. Volunteer opportunities are one of the best ways to show support and help build awareness. Many local organizations have different volunteer opportunities available.