
A ground blizzard in central Nebraska, (Brian Neben, Central Nebraska Today)

KEARNEY — While blizzard conditions come to an end and visibility improves, law enforcement is still recommending not traveling while the roadways are cleared.

According to the Buffalo County Sheriff’s Office, roads are still covered in snow or ice and Interstate 80 and Highway 30 are closed at this time.

“Please do not travel unless you have to, but if you do have to, drive slow and use caution. Vehicles stuck on the roadways and shoulders have created extra hazards and delays the road clearing efforts,” per the BCSO.

The Adams County Sheriff’s Office also recommended not driving as there are downed power lines and stuck vehicles are creating road hazards.

“The Adams County Sheriff’s Office may not be able to respond to you immediately. If you find yourself stranded, stay in your vehicle. We will get to you as soon we are able to safely respond,” the sheriff’s office stated.

The Merrick County Sheriff’s Office also urged that people to avoid travel, as needed resources may be delayed in reaching stranded motorists.