The NPPD Tech One Substation, (Brian Neben, Central Nebraska Today)
NEBRASKA — The Nebraska Public Power District provide an update on current outages as of the morning of Thursday, March 20.
Crews headed back out this morning and continue to work on restoration.
Below are the NPPD retail customer outage numbers as of 9:30 a.m. this morning. At the peak of the storm NPPD had over 11,000 customers out, and as of 9:30 a.m. this morning that number is down closer to 1,200.
NPPD retail customer outages (nppd.com for latest)
Oakland: 692
York: 244
Tekamah: 161
Craig area: 113
Geneva: 18
Milford: 15
Dakota City: 5
Aurora: 1