Hall County Attorney Marty Klein addresses Hall County Commissioners March 25 concerning salaries for new attorneys in his office, (Carol Bryant, Central Nebraska Today)
GRAND ISLAND – Hall County Attorney Marty Klein told the Hall County Board of Commissioners March 25 that his office has been operating with vacancies for four attorneys “for a long time.”
“This has become a statewide challenge,” Klein said. He showed Commissioners a slide listing vacancies throughout the state in county attorney offices.
Klein asked Commissioners to raise the starting wage for deputy county attorneys so he can make offers to two attorneys currently in law school that he has been recruiting.
Klein asked Commissioners to increase the starting wage from $76,000 annually to $88,000 annually. Commissioners approved that increase by a 7-0 vote.
Hall County Commissioner Butch Hurst, a retired police officer, pointed out that even if an arrest is made, nothing happens if prosecution isn’t pursued.
Klein told Commissioners that the higher wage will help attract the two attorneys he has been recruiting.
Klein said that the only comparison that can be made within Hall County is with the Public Devender’s office. He pointed out that the Hall County Attorney’s office staff have additional responsibilities, often outside of normal office hours, for investigations at fatal accidents or death investigations in an attorney’s role as Hall County Coroner.
Hall County Commissioner Pam Lancaster said, “We want a very safe community.” Klein had offered to give up one 1.0 FTE attorney position.
“I would urge you not to give up the FTE,” Lancaster said.
Klein said he was coming to Commissioners now because he wanted to make the offers to the two attorneys.
Commissioner Gary Quandt said the county had to stay competitive with the wages offered in the Hall County Attorney’s office.
Commissioner Jane Richardson said that law students are starting to receive job officers now, so she supported making the change immediately.