
Left to right: Don Batie and Robert Wiseman, (Dawson Public Power District, Courtesy)

LEXINGTON — Two new Dawson Public Power District board members took their oath of office in January.

Don Batie now represents the Dawson subdivision. Batie won the seat over incumbent A.C. Pat Hecox. He was one of four candidates running for two open seats.

The Dawson Subdivision boundary expands north and east into Buffalo County to the intersection of 115 Road and Evergreen Road. Customers who reside north and west of this intersection will have representation from board members within the Dawson Subdivision.

Robert Wiseman continues to represent the Lincoln Subdivision. Wiseman ran unopposed for the Lincoln Subdivision seat. The seat was previously held by Rodger White, who retired after completing his term.

The Lincoln Subdivision boundary is within Dawson PPD’s service territory and meets the county line between Lincoln and Dawson.

The third is the Buffalo Subdivision includes most of Buffalo County within Dawson PPD’s service territory except north and west of the intersection of 115 Road and Evergreen Road.

Dawson Public Power District serves more than 23,000 electric meters and maintains over 5,800 miles of power lines in south central Nebraska, along the Platte River Valley. Dawson PPD was organized on February 26, 1937.

With about 80 employees, Dawson PPD is one of the largest rural systems in the state of Nebraska. The district is a member of the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association and the Nebraska Rural Electric Association. Our general manager is Gwen Kautz. The district is guided by an elected eleven-person board of directors, representing the people we serve.