
fergregory / Depositphotos.com

GRAND ISLAND — The Catherine Fosket Children’s Theatre presents the children’s show “Dr Experimentor and the League of Evil’ by Charlotte Nixon.

The show will be presented Friday Jan. 24 and Saturday Jan. 25 at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday Jan. 26 at 2 p.m. at the Liederkranz, 403 W 1st Street, Grand Island

Dr. Experimentor, a mastermind super villain, must fight to maintain her membership in the infamous League of Evil. There’s just one problem – membership means defeating. superhero Extremo, who happens to be her best friend! To make matters worse, Dr Experimentor faces relentless pressure from Agnes and Abigail Anarchy, ambitious upstart villians eager for her downfall.

Armed with her arsenal of ingenious inventions – minions, Vegetarian Zombies, Pacifist Ninjas, and Robot Soldiers – Dr Experimentor faces an impossible choice: defeat her superhero or suffer at the hands of the League!

Angie Like and Steven Gobel, are the directors and Jeannee Mueller Fossberg, Producer.

Children in grades 3rd through g’ will perform in this production.

Tickets are $3 for children, $5 for adults, free for children age 3 and under, available the day of the show at the Liederkranz. Tickets are also available at Ace Hardware and from cast members. Shows are open to the public. All proceeds go to the Catherine Fosket Liederkranz Scholarship fund for graduating high school seniors.

If you have any questions, contact Fossberg at 308-379-2015, Liske at 308-940-1365 or the Liederkranz 308-382-9337.