
Brian Neben, Courtesy

KEARNEY — Buffalo County law enforcement and fire departments are reminding residents that opening burning is banned without a burn permit, drought conditions continue to persist across the region.

The Buffalo County Sheriff’s Office shared information that noted opening burning is only permitted when conditions are acceptable as prescribed by the local fire chief and written permission on the Open Burn Permit form prescribed by the Nebraska State Fire Marshal.

The forms can be obtained at fire stations and permits are issued on the day of the burn only.

Open Burn Permits are good on the day of the burn from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. or 8 p.m. during Daylight Savings Time.

General guidelines include that the person supervising the burn will remain in the immediate area until the fire is out, wind speeds and forecasted speeds should not exceed 15 mph, wind direction does not blow across roads or highways.

The burn area should not be close to any structures or trees and vegetation where hot embers could cause them to catch fire.

Burn piles should never include tires, waste petroleum products, construction waste materials and wire insulation.

Those conducting the burn must ensure a fire is out and won’t rekindle and if it does get out of control, call 911 immediately.